P.S. stands for Post Scriptum (Latin word for "written after") or, an abbreviation of Postscript. We can use Post Script (PS or P.S.) after the main body of a letter when we forgot to write something and already signed our letter. P.S. can be written in a sentence, paragraphs or even in a single-word after the main body of an essay or book.
Some Other Full Forms of P.S.:
Some Other Full Forms of P.S.:
- PhotoShop: Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Systems for Mac OS and Windows. Photoshop has become a verb that is sometimes used to refer to images edited by Adobe Photoshop or by any other image manipulating program.
- Play Station (Sony PlayStation gaming consoles, PlayStation 2, PS3, PS4 etc.)
- Picosecond (a time measurement unit). One Picosecond (PS) is equal to one trillionth (1/1,000,000,000,000) of a second. A picosecond is also defined as a period of time equal to one millionth of a microsecond. It is an SI unit of time.
- Polystyrene: Polystyrene is a synthetic aromatic polymer made from the monomer styrene.
- Power Supply
- Pashto language
- Previous Section
- Psalms (the third section of the Hebrew Bible)
- Positronium (in Chemistry, a system consisting of an electron and its anti-particle, a positron, bound together into an exotic atom, specifically an onium)
- Pulmonic Stenosis (also known as pulmonary stenosis) is a dynamic or fixed obstruction of flow from the right ventricle of the heart to the pulmonary artery.
- Private School
- Public Service
- Police Station
- Pen Spinning: Pen spinning is a form of object manipulation (a form of self-entertainment) that involves the deft manipulation of a writing instrument with one's hands.
- Post Signature
P.S. I need help writing my thesis statement for essay on importance of punctuation. Can I use thesis statement generator for it?